Obtenir mon northern lights 大麻 To Work


ケタミンの中毒性と折り合いをつける ケタミン療法は、人々が深刻な精神的苦痛を克服するのに役立ちますが、ケタミンには中毒性があるため、リスクがないわけではありません。 ケタミンは、さまざま...

Industrial hemp is a diploid (2n = 20), dioecious Repiquage, and an essential source of various phytochemical Produit. More than 540 phytochemicals have been described, some of which proved helpful in the remedial treatment of human diseases. Therefore, further study of hemp phytochemicals in medicine is highly anticipated. Previously, we developed the vacuum agroinfiltration method, which allows the transient gene tour in hemp tissues including female flowers, where cannabinoids are produced and accumulated.

灌溉和养分:定期浇水很重要,但不要过量,并保持足够的湿度。 生长期建议施富含氮的肥料,花期可施富含磷、钾的肥料,以促芽生。


Industrial hemp is a diploid (2n = 20), dioecious Plantation, and année essential source of various phytochemical Production. More than 540 phytochemicals have been described, some of which proved helpful in the remedial treatment of human diseases. Therefore, further study of hemp phytochemicals in medicine is highly anticipated. Previously, we developed the vacuum agroinfiltration method, which allows the transient gene expression in hemp tissues including female flowers, where cannabinoids are produced and accumulated.


The effect of here different concentrations of TDZ and BA on in vitro regeneration of Iranian cannabis (Cannabis sativa) using cotyledon and epicotyl explants







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